'It is only legendary Nandamuri Taraka Ramarao and Megastar Chiranjeevi to get addressed as top star heroes of Tollywood. However, ace director Rajamouli felt that there are no no.1, no.2 and no.3s in Tollywood. Now with the success of 'Gabbar Singh', Pawan is hailed as a numero uno of Tollywood. NTR tried with Racha and Dammu, but failed to reach the throne. With the superhit success of Dookudu and Businessman, many have felt that Mahesh Babu is the No.1 Tollywood.
But ace director Rajamouli is having a different view on this, which will shock you to the core. The war of words between fans and the fight for sharing collections is all for the sake of finding out whom exactly is the No.1 of Tollywood now. See more of Mogali Rekulu Serial on Facebook. By Mogali Rekulu Serial Updated about 6 years ago. Watch Mogali Rekulu Serial online **Re telecast in Gemini TV** Latest Episode: E498 -Part1: Part2- 12th Feb Latest Episode: E497 -Part1: Part2- 9th Feb E. Watch Mogali Rekulu Daily Serial - Gemini TV - All Episodes Online at ManaTelugu.in and Movies, Live TV, News, Galleries, TV Shows, Daily Serials, Audio Songs. It is a personal empowerment and its energies are meant for personal use only. 36 Strand DNA Activation is not Reiki nor is it a healing system.
12 Strand Activation activates 10 more additional strands. Your current DNA contains two active strands wrapped around each other in a double helix.
#Mogali rekulu serial episode 1000 upgrade#
The 12 Strand DNA Activation 2014 is an energetic upgrade to the original system and has an upgraded manual.
DNA Activation Series, 12 Strand, 24 Strand, 36 Strand.